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Welcome to Computers. The place full of tips., tricks, and helpful advice for the home or office user. Please scroll down to view the sections available.

Sections available:

  Sections available:

 Tips and Tricks

 Hundreds of little tips and tricks to make using Windows easier, including performance, networking, customizing and productive tips.

 C++ Programming

 Ever wondered how applications work and how they respond, why not try learning the basics of C++, the most powerful programming language in the world today. 

 Troubleshooting start-up problems

If you can get your system to start up or maybe there's an annoying message or error, then check this section out to try and resolve the issue.

 Cleaning out your system

If you machine is so slow or you just no disk space left, this page details how to start fresh with your computer

 Computer terms explained!

Ever wondered what all those abbreviations mean in the computer world, this page lists all the ones you will most likely come into contact with. 

 Computer start-up guide

A brief explanation of what your system does from the moment you press the on button to the moment when you can use it. 

 Tony complains again!

Introducing the new section where my good friend Tony gives us something new to moan about in the computer world. This month: 'King of all screw ups!'.

next month: 'Manning's teaches Internet Explorer some Manners'

 How safe are you on the Internet?

Ever wondered what your system is doing when you are looking at sites, checking email or anything else? this page describes the risks and way to reduce them while surfing the net.

 Web Applications

Ever wonder what makes the Internet? How does the server and the client talk to each other? Check this section out to find the answers...